City Performance Report
Between the City and County, Los Angeles spends about $4 billion per year on homelessness. Angelenos have voluntarily taxed themselves through Measures H, HHH, and ULA to fund homelessness prevention and intervention.
Dozens of City and County departments, hundreds of nonprofit organizations, thousands of employees, and billions of dollars are committed to alleviating homelessness. The ultimate question is: Are these efforts cost-effective? Do they fulfill the promises made to solve homelessness? Is the juice worth the squeeze? The short answer is No. Despite these efforts, homelessness in Los Angeles has steadily increased every year for at least a decade.
"Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?" reviews the performance and management of homelessness assistance programs to demonstrate that the system created to solve homelessness in Los Angeles is failing.
To access the full report, please provide your email address.
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